Auto insurance can protect you against costs that may arise during an accident. It will cover any injuries you sustain and damage to your car in emergencies. If an uninsured driver was at fault for the accident, your insurance could cover property damage. Insurance...
Month: May 2023
Having a difficult conversation with your kids about divorce
When you make the difficult decision to end your marriage, you know that this choice will impact multiple areas of your life at once. As you navigate the changes you will experience and other factors, you also know that you will need to address this matter with your...
The five levels of misdemeanor DWI charges
Regardless of where you drive in the U.S., everyone is familiar with what a DWI generally entails. There’s a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit of 0.08% that drivers must not exceed, or else they are legally impaired. Not all states would require jail time as a...
The impact of domestic violence on visitation rights
Domestic violence is one significant issue in North Carolina. It is also one of the primary reasons for divorce in the state. But what's more concerning is that even though a divorce case may have prevented further violence at home, there can still be lasting damage...